
You have Challenges
I have Solutions
Let’s get started!

You’re exhausted and you’re out of ideas.
the training retreats aren’t working.
your people can’t seem to focus.
your small voice is saying, “I’m old.”
you’re tired of doing ALL the work.

you’ve never heard of a
“transmogrification coach”
but you’re pretty sure that’s what you need.

cambridge dictionary: “transmogrification”
the act or process of changing or being changed.

Happily… “Transmogrification” is my thing.
Happily 2.0… no cardboard boxes are required.

I’m Abby Hagyard
I became a “name” in the 80’s thanks to television.
– a classic chain-reaction in action –
One minute I was coaching, writing and performing.
In a blink, I was 3 cartoon heroes and an iconic Mom.

What I learned in those whirlwind decades is this…
Leveraging change is how we thrive while everyone else struggles to survive.

Happily 3.0…
I sourced our unique shift-ability
and learned exactly how it works!

Happily to Infinity and Beyond…
reconnecting our youth and vitality
is a choice we can make
when we say “no” to “It’s not that bad”
and say “yes” to our “What if…?”

Once upon a time
in a far-off land,
my adventure began…

Abby Hagyard, Best in Show!”
Variety International

After that…

Dorothy Parker
(My first stage show)
launched my TV career
and with it came
invitations to
speak, host
mentor talent

Gloves Off!
(My second show)
led to
live events
writing & coaching

Dorothy Parker…

…was the wittiest woman in America. I used her genius to open the Show Biz door.

The Gloves were OFF…

…when MOM said good-bye. it was how I let you know you wouldn’t have to miss me!

“Who does it serve?”

My path
Lasting Success

We’ve all been told that our “why” defines the goals we choose and steps we take on the paths to lasting success. And yet…

How easily do we ALL forget that the things we learned that allowed us to grow also changed our priorities?

How often do we forge ahead without that all-important gut-check to be sure that the “why” we used to rely on still resonates?

When we see what we’ve ignored, how can we be sure we’ll always know the right path?

When the talent I coach and the clients I guide ask how I keep my eyes on MY prize, I show them how to use my “Who does it serve?” review. Let’s see if it works for you!

my success curve
was always a reset

I chose the voices & characters that I knew and loved
to bring my stories to life.
It could go to your head if you forgot that every book, show, brand and talk is just a different way to tell a story.

My ancestors? Vikings.
fearless navigators,
clever storytellers,
exceptional fighters,
inspired boat builders,
strategic planners

Every chance they got,
they refused to quit.

This is not why their legends live on.
They remain with us because…
They gave us permission to believe in the joy.

Once we do that,
we’re unstoppable.

My 2024 Portfolio
is designed to serve you

I am a serial survivor who…
provides reasons to smile
offers answers
calms concerns
navigates learning curves
harnesses infinite potential

1. Shows

The wit of Dorothy parker
A hint of my Viking ancestors
Feather boas, Adorable shoes
annddd… YOU!!!

Woven into the threads of wit
is the “Change Wisdom” that
can newly empower you.

40 – 60 – 90 minute formats
surprise guests
Q & A’s and take-aways

My Earlier Shows

Original Scripts
Dorothy Parker
Gloves Off
I Still Miss My Man…
Get In The Truck
The Damsel Dragon
The Critics Choice

Commercial Scripts
Shirley Valentine
Love Letters
Talking With…
Born Yesterday
Barefoot In The Park

2. Talks

Picture “Ted” as a panel event
with an intermission
in lively 15-minute segments

Old-fashioned conversations, back-and-forth exchanges feed our need to learn and grow.

If you want to hear someone speak, it’s because their topic matters to you. YOUR ideas on the subject deserve to be heard and shared, too. In a time when few people seem to be listening, we rediscover what shared learning can do!

Seniority Works
Umbrella talent Solutions

Our very first show – in 1980, can you believe it? – had people on their feet. The next day, our first offers to speak began pouring in.

We’re not saying we “invented” a better way to relate. We’re saying that a shared story brings great minds together. And when you bring great listeners and thinkers together for decades, you have time to perfect your “A” Game.

You learn how to hear what people are really saying when they tell you why they think something’s missing. You learn to brainstorm solutions when they are out of their depth and don’t know what to do any more.

“Umbrella Talent” bring multiple skills to leverage the changes that shape your world. Our focus is YOUR need. Our goal is a shared end game: your issue resolved is our ‘spike the ball’ moment.

Popular Talks

Dorothy Parker & equality
University of British Columbia

Teachable Moments
Ottawa University
Carleton University

Career Planning
Algonquin College

Speed Networking
Women’s Business Network

Work the Joy
Justice Department
Social Services
Industry Canada
Health Canada
United Way

15 Minutes with Abby
Ottawa Comic Con

Stage Craft
tourism Ottawa
Tulip Festival
Tourism Canada
Ontario Exhibition Ass’n
American Models Ass’n
Visitors & Convention Bureaus

Strategic Branding
Manotick BIA
Women’s Business Network
The Snelling Group
Canadian Truckers’ Ass’n

3. Author Mentoring

the book inside you
a mentor publisher
and … shazam!!
Your title on Amazon

Brian Fried
>You & Your Big Ideas (2006)
Nick Mucci
>The Haven Spear (2008)
Andrea Gould
>The Virgin Widow (2010)
Jack MacKenzie
Wanderlust (2012)
(privately published)
Jill Pirolo
>Live Your Life! (2013)
Maren Higbee
>The Grand Plan (2014)
Sue Lebrun
>Love Found Me Twice (2015)
Peter Maheux
>God’s Gift Of Another Angel(2015)
Victoria Scarcella
>Lost & Found (2016)
>Making It Mine (2016)
Troy Danyluk
>White Knights (2016)
C & M Spurlock
>My Dr. Never Told Me (2019)
Susan T. Ouellette
>The Messages Collection (2020)

-My Books-
Market Centrics (2006)
(2nd edition coming soon)
>Johnni Foster: Vicarious (2015)
>Fame: The Collectors Edition (2017)
>The Damsel Dragon (2017)
>Johnni Foster: Unsuitable (2019)

coming soon
Pivotry In Motion (2024)
Market Centrics 2.0 (2024)
Johnni Foster Prequel (2025)

Author Reviews

“Susan’s story was a gift of hope if you’d lost loved ones and believed there had to be answers somewhere. The project grew, until it became an inspiring collection of deeply personal Messages of hope and love and guidance sent to each one of us from our Inner child.”

“It began as a White Knight’s homage to a woman who had survived the unthinkable. Inspired by the brave heroes showcased in the trilogy, companies like Meathead Movers in the US and Shelter Movers in Canada now help victims of domestic violence find their happy endings.”

“Deepest gratitude to Abby, whose thoughtful editing, compassionate criticism and sensitivity midwifed this difficult material into a form that could readily be digested by my readers.” The Virgin Widow
Andrea Gould-Marks, PhD

Q: What is a mindset?
How do we reset it?

A MINDSET is a point of view based on the filters we see our lives through.

A RESET is a decision we make to draw or erase a line. By the time we realize that we’ve done it, we’ve said good-bye to “It is what it is” and “It’s not that bad” because we’ve chosen to believe in us… again.

Choosing to turn our life (career) around is one of the biggest decisions we make. Given the lure of our ‘comfort’ zones, it can be one of the bravest things we do… because it feels like we’re abandoning all the things we knew and loved.

It was my father’s military career – and the gypsy life it brings – that gave me the tools and training I share with every reset client I sign, every upgrade team I’m invited to meet, every decision-maker, game-changer, CEO who knows that the time to own what’s coming is rapidly running out.

Where to start…

My strategies are designed to meet you where you are and help you navigate the path to where you want to be. We begin with a fresh look at the stories you’ve lived your life by that may hold you back. Things like… “No one in our family has ever…” “I’m just like this one or that…” In the process, we identify unhelpful language habits you may be surrounded by (or guilty of) that can drain your energy and rob you of your power to choose YOU and the joy of new beginnings.

In case you’re wondering… we all need mentors in moments like this because we cannot see ourselves with big picture objectivity. [We cannot see the forest if we are the tree.]

Once we see what is serving you and what is keeping you stuck, we replace your unhelpful auto-habits with tools and techniques that put you back in charge.

After that, we revise the origin story elements that no longer work for you. We end up with a “Pivotry Profile Blueprint” that represents you NOW. Because it captures the way YOU think and feel and who and where you want to be, it becomes the compass we can rely on to reset your vision, restore the values you see within you and re-focus your passion to serve and support the the things that matter to you.

We’re In This Together

Like you, I wear many hats
a Serial Entrepreneur
a Military Brat
raised in more places
than most people can imagine.

While the stress of good-byes is the price I paid, my gypsy ‘normal’ taught me how to lean in to Change… Not shy away.

You are…
1. Grief-stricken healer-hero-CEOs whose drive hit a wall and stalled;

2. “I’m okay – it’s not that bad” whose comfort zone is too small.

Your issues have a common cause: Your origin stories do not reflect who you are.

Using instructions not meant for you robbed you of your ability to do anything at all; Going along to get along no longer feels like a noble cause when you alone carry the ball.

Where to start before we start
…is an essential so often missed. We have to be ready and willing to welcome change because change is only hard when we didn’t think of it!

Executive Grief

The perfect “overwhelm” storm:
too many
role-responsibility hats
Not enough
rest-recovery “ME” time.

Your journey back
is mentored step-by-step.

We begin with private sessions.
We progress to trusted groups.
We build a tribe of survivors.
who empower you to serve, support and choose YOU.

We have things we’re known for: skills we have, hobbies we love, foods we like, etc.

We’re also known for the work we do, the career(s) we choose,

the paths we pioneer and the boundaries we set. these are the things we believe in that matter most; that we commit to; that we’re not willing to compromise for.

Taken together, these things that define us represent Our Brand. When we realize how much of our Brand has been shaped by the stories we thought we knew, it’s a game-changing day.

Re-shaping the message we share with the world is the ultimate make-over move. We begin with a deep-dive review of the origin story that placed you and your brand on the map.

We look at the growth curves you’ve navigated and the market drivers changing the landscape.

We profile your strengths AND weaknesses and craft a story that makes your place in the market come alive.

We use brand language and colour palettes that set a tone as unique as you.

Strategies get essential upgrades with new traditions that honour the old in dynamic ways.

Resets 4 Success Skills
to help you rethink
your best path

Individual & Group classes
Improv-Based Skills Training Workshops

Private and Group Consultations
In-Person Weekend Workshops
Keynote Presentations
Team-Building Retreats
Virtual Seminars

Resets 4 Success Worksheets

The Five Finger Breathing Exercise
The Origin Story Plot
The Daily WIIFM list
The Seeds of Change
The Gate Keeper
the later folder
The Time Scheduler
The Passion Purpose Map
The Pivotry Profile Blueprint

Diamond Club VIPs enjoy first-look training, success tools access, VIP seating at live events, signed copies of books and exclusive resets 4 success zoom calls.
annual subscription fees.

We give your story the spotlight it deserves on the published page. The creative process releases you from the stress you’ve carried. you enjoy the respect and recognition your journey to excellence has earned.

“show & Tell” training displaces the Lecture-based learning model with interactive exercises. Participants witness remarkable mindset-resets in action for a cognition AHA that alters the trajectory of their lives.

F . A . Q’s .

  • How is Pivotry training different?

Pivotry is our unique survival skill. Because we reset our assumptions before we act, our training mirrors this process. As we realize the power within a mindset reset, we value the time we spend learning to perfect it. our mental gears allow us to navigate our turning-points and thrive. We gain more control than models that chase external drivers.

  • Can “show & tell” teach excellence?

Spectator-based training gives us theory with no hands-opportunity to experience the application in real time. We don’t get to use the tools or perfect the techniques that equip us to survive or thrive. Show & Tell training invites us to interact and react in real time, the way life does. We see the big picture in a way that makes sense.

  • Why do stories matter?

Our stories tell us where we come from and who we are within our tribe. They help us see our purpose, identity and path. If our story was told to us long ago, we need to be sure the message has the power to guide us now, in the current day. If there are details that no longer serve, we get to revise and rewrite what needs to change, when it’s our story and we own the pen.

  • How long is the training?

Every client is unique. You may prefer our interactive Show & Tell weekend workshop events.

You may feel more comfortable in a private consultation setting to work though issues one-on-one, or join our Diamond Club zoom calls. Once we’ve done our preliminary intake and discuss your options, the follow up is your choice.

Video Reviews

I just came upon your video and it felt as if you were talking directly to me. Even at 73, I’m forever learning, as life keeps throwing its challenges. I’ve already watched this video twice. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiration!

I love the way you share your life when you talk about the things that happen to all of us. And the expressions you use, like ‘Are you listening to you’ and ‘Suddenly, an oven’ make me laugh when i’m feeling overwhelmed.

When, I was in the Navy, my fellow sailors and base personnel in Japan, Korea, and The Philippines were huge fans. You had global appeal then and you still do. It’s great to see your videos. Your stories and ‘simple wins’ are excellent lessons.

1/ Live Shows & 2.0 Talks
Event Dates TBA
Tickets Individually Priced

2/ Executive

Mentor – coach – consultant
* * Retainer: $300.00 * *
Plus Hourly fees
Areas of Expertise
tailored to enhance resilience, readiness, reach, retention and response

Executive Grief Recovery
Origin Story & Brand Editing
Relationship Mentoring
Team Building
Professional Speaker Training

3/ VIP Diamond Club
Monthly subscription fee:
* * $12.00 * *
Unique Backstage Experience
Diamond Club VIPs enjoy first-look training & tools, backstage passes at events, signed collectables,

individual & group
resets-4-success calls.

We offer customized pricing, plans and services tailored to reflect each service and meet individual client needs.

We request $300 retainer deposits with follow-up fees for services and/or pre-approved expenses incurred.

We process all transactions through PayPal. Clients do not need a PayPal account.

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Contact me
to request…
general information
coach/mentor pricing
VIP Subscription Invoices

One last question…

Are you ready to ask,

“What if…?”