When we find ourselves caught by surprise, we tend to freeze. Freezing absents us from the action and takes us to an ancient survival neutral space that gives us time to shift gears. If we believe that we cannot shift, a deep-seated kind of panic sets in. We either shut down completely or we begin to spin.

When we spin, we stop thinking. We can’t process information. We can’t activate our ability to remember the past and imagine the future. In crisis, we can’t override our primitive urge to freeze, flee or spin and use our past-future, if-then ability to position ourselves to win.

What we need, when Life has overwhelmed us, is a pattern-interrupt that pulls us back and wakes us up. What we don’t know – because these are subconscious survive-to-thrive responses – is HOW we do it.
What we need – that is hard to find – is a blueprint that shows us what the process looks like and a set of instructions we can follow that can help us understand.