Solutions For
Absent Leaders
Auto Pilot Anxiety
Brain Fog
Broken Heroes
Cage Rage
Chronic Stress
Executive Dysfunction
Functional Freeze & Flee
Grief Burnout
Indifferent Incompetence
Loss of Focus
Night Terrors
Survival Mode
Toddler Terror
Toxic Patterns
When we find ourselves caught by surprise, we tend to freeze. Freezing absents us from the action and takes us to an ancient survival neutral space that gives us time to shift gears. If we believe that we cannot shift, a deep-seated kind of panic sets in. We either shut down completely or we begin to spin.
When we spin, we stop thinking. We can’t process information. We can’t activate our ability to remember the past and imagine the future. In crisis, we can’t override our primitive urge to freeze, flee or spin and use our past-future, if-then ability to position ourselves to win.
What we need, when Life has overwhelmed us, is a pattern-interrupt that pulls us back and wakes us up. What we don’t know – because these are subconscious survive-to-thrive responses – is HOW we do it.
What we need – that is hard to find – is a blueprint that shows us what the process looks like and a set of instructions we can follow that can help us understand.
I’m Abby Hagyard.
I was raised as a Military BRAT. From the time I was three months old until my Dad retired and I went to college, I lived in four countries, seven cities and fourteen homes and I attended twelve schools. My survive-to-thrive super powers are pattern-recognition and profiling.
I apprenticed in publishing, tourism and TV/Stage production.
I’ve written, curated, published, staged, performed and/or produced twelve plays, six screenplays and forty books in multiple genres.
In 2004, I began coaching CEOs and rebel-preneurs and mentoring healers and heroes. Like the navigators who nudge the really big boats in and out of safe harbors, I guided my clients through the narrows where their brand stories and career shifts had the power to change their lives… and mine.
My Pivotry in Motion clients are…
People with drive and vision who give it all. What they never see is the price their purpose work exacts… on them, their friends and their families.
Victoria Scarcella‘s husband had hit her with a crowbar “to teach her a lesson.” Her determination to tell her story, to encourage others to reach beyond ‘survive’ so they can thrive, inspired the birth of Shelter Movers: a Canada-wide franchise that moves victims of domestic violence for free.
Susan T. Ouellette‘s saga is a journey back from the brink and an outreach to those who struggle against the odds. Her near-fatal accident and subsequent injuries took her away from her family while she learned to walk and talk and live again.
She credits her success to the voice of her Inner Cheerleader child, who we get to meet in her Messages collection. Today, her SuSanity Life clinic heals the healers who give us our second chances.
I define Pivotry as our “mindset reset” ability to create fresh perspectives and take ownership of our outcomes. The fact (backed by science) is that we’re born with this shape-shifting ability. We polish and perfect it – learning to learn by imitating our teachers – long before we learn to speak.
Unless our life patterns are in a constant state of change, this reset skill is an unconscious habit. In moments of crisis, if we’re not aware of this talent, the toddler in us opts for freeze-fight-flee in the hope that the problem will just go away. We hit our toddler terror walls when our never-fails fall flat and we don’t have a trusted fallback. When we double-down in panic, we shut down our strategic brains and go frantic as we fight the need for Change. Ironically, when the problem stays, it’s our lucky day: our panic fades and our curiosity sets us free.
HOW my mentoring process serves you
In polishing a written work, the meticulous editor tracks each story-source back to its roots, reversing the author’s path to find and fix false starts, missed steps and broken threads.
When the technique is used as a mentoring tool, it can reveal and release the toxic patterns and flawed story lessons that undermine confidence, drive and focus.
When we replace them with patterns and stories that support and serve, we take back our power and come alive. “It’s not that bad” becomes “Not good enough” and we heal and grow and thrive.
A head’s up from me… As you’ve read this, if your inner voice has said What if…? you’re ready.